• The Future of Digital Currency

    If I stopped to think about it, and I have, most of my money is digital. My paycheck is directly deposited to my account. My transactions are digital. I frequently pay for goods and services with the flick of the Apple Watch and the built-in…

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  • Crypto Denbow

    I missed out on Bitcoin and not investing early. One BTC currently equals $59,263.01. Same with Ethereum. 1 ETH currently = $4,543.21. So, I will slowly invest in lower, more affordable tokens instead. To be honest, the money I invest in these digital currencies will…

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  • Volume 1

    A few months ago I wrote about my own publishing house and how much fun I was having. Even more recently I mentioned that I wanted to branch out by creating digital photo zines. After jumping on a Black Friday deal, I finally decided on…

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  • Home Screen Share

    Ten years ago was the last time I reviewed my top ten phone apps, and so much has changed over the past decade. The most significant change for me was switching from Android to Apple. I dropped all Google products and software a while back…

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  • Young & Dumb

    What was I thinking ten years ago? What’s funny to me is I now have a deconstructed iPhone 4 mounted on the wall on display. This makes me wonder what else I am currently wrong about and what to change.

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  • Show Your Work

    This is a thought coming from myself, here in the minority: if you are a photographer sharing your images on Instagram or Facebook, stop. Too often have I wanted to see someone’s work only to be redirected to IG. I can’t see your work. I…

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  • Aero Denbow

    This is my first flight since pre-pandemic times and I couldn’t be happier. Travel, exploring, getting away is all in my nature. Every time I am in an international airport I fight the urge to upgrade my flight to go anywhere else. Next stop: everywhere.…

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  • Test

    Testing links to cloud storage and downloading from here

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  • Digital Photo Zines

    Recently I expressed an interest in creating photo magazines with images and text. I really do believe that it is one aspect of the future of digital photography I don’t want to miss out on. So I downloaded InDesign from Adobe as a trial and…

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  • Crypto Photo Denbow

    Do you own a Photo Denbow original? In the not-too-distant future we’ll see more cryptocurrency usage as well as the purchases of NFTs. What does that mean for photography and photographers? Getting paid. There is a massive market for digital artwork now, and getting paid…

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  • If This Then That

    If you’re overthinking, write. If you’re underthinking, read.

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  • No Shave November

    “No-Shave November is a month-long journey during which male participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise men’s cancer awareness.” Someone No, I’m not doing this for a noble cause. Once again, I’m going to let the razor collect dust this…

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