• On Hemingway

    When I was in college, I had an opportunity to take a break from the stress of a new marriage and my studies. My step-father swung by my home on the way up to his lake cabin for the weekend and asked me to come…

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  • BLAugust

    I like to take on writing challenges for myself. Stop me if you’ve read this about me before, but every now and then I’ll finish a challenge. It’s rare. So why have I committed the month of August to writing a blog post for every…

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  • Doodles

    Just doodling a few of the things I am seeing around when I am out and about cycling.

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  • Blackout

    I’ve been experimenting with digital crossword puzzles and newsprint lately. With crosswords, I’ll solve the puzzle (entertaining in its own right) and then bonus(!) I will take a screenshot of it when complete. Then, in Apple Photos, use my Apple Pencil to markup the image…

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  • Cyclological

    I’ve been on a cycling kick for the past few months. Having access to a great road bicycle, dedicated bike lanes, flat surfaces, a patient trainer, a partner willing to try it and rides with me as well as finding a local group of other…

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  • Changes

    As a result of some new changes in website design and future-proofing my database, I’ll have to resist the temptation to add images to posts. I want this site and the database to be lightweight and streamlined. In the near future, I will add blog-related…

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  • From The Database of CJD

    The objective, or desire, in creating this personalized database is ultimate vanity. It is ludicrous that such a disorganized individual such as myself can even hope to maintain it properly. Since I am a ludicrous individual I will go ahead and make the attempt anyway.…

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  • Why?

    Do bursts of mental energy and inspiration come to me as I am ready for bed? Oh look, another rabbit hole to go down!

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  • Goals Revisited

    I came across an old post from 2017 on some ongoing goals I wished to achieve. Let’s check in seven years later to see how it is going.

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  • Phylum

    Today I learned group names for some of the fauna I’ve seen around the Southwest Florida area and they are a lot of fun. The group names for:

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  • Critical Mass

    Twelve years ago I was driving through the River Oaks area in Houston at night and came across 200 cyclists with their rigs all lit up, and their flags flapping in the breeze. It looked fun but annoying because cyclists are always preaching “share the…

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  • Type Art

    There are many reasons as to why I was looking forward to utilizing my typewriter after I relocated. One, was to make art from it. I’ve been a long time fan of ASCii art but there are people out there that have taken it to…

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