
This morning I woke up to an unusually chilly day down here in southwest Florida. A cold front blew its way down, probably following us from Tulsa, because it was 60 degrees with a light wind. Thankfully, I still had my one sweatshirt close by from our trip up north.

While walking outside around the house surveying the hurricane clean-up needs, I noticed, really noticed the diverse flora at our home and smiled. We don’t have these species back where I am from. Oh, and that coconut that was left in the yard from a few months ago has sprouted two large palm fronds. We need to move that somewhere else before it plants roots and grows into the power lines above it.

I snapped some images with the iPhone as I walked and surveyed the plants. Okay, according to the Information button found inside Apple Photos, we have an Areca palm, 2 tall coconut trees, a tree called Job’s Tears, an avocado tree, an Izote tree (yucca), 6 Garden Croton, 5 Spider Lily, several Tiplants, 1 surviving banana plant left (2 died in the storm), a dwarf umbrella tree, a Spiderwort plant, Shell Ginger, Yew plum pine tree, and a few more royal palm trees. Throw in your garden variety tropical shrubs and wow, what a unique, diverse collection we have here just in our yard.

Garden Croton
Izote Yucca

The landscaping needs a lot of love after being left on its own for a year and a half. I’m looking forward to the projects…someday. Because a lot of these flora are self-sustaining and low maintenance, landscaping is on the back burner. Hopefully, though, we can tackle this while it is still an unusually cool fall and winter.

P.S. I neglected to mention the Dragon Sword plant I purchased for Tracy as our housewarming gift. This has yet to be planted. But where?

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