• Between < and >

    I’ve had a pretty shit week. If I wanted to sugarcoat anything, I’d go buy a beignet. The amount of stress-induced breakdowns and resulting physical ailments I had these past seven days is taking a toll. It was mostly job stress, but also a lot…

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  • 168/366

    I set a photography goal for myself to shoot a photo with the Hipstamatic every day, for 366 images this (leap) year. Today is day 168. I had them all on my photo website that I recently took down but for now, I’ll just add…

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  • Read-O-Matic

    I want to design and place a machine to fill up with books that people can purchase on the go as opposed to them buying a soda or a snack. I know we will all be a lot healthier. They remind me of the Little…

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  • Retro Denbow

    As part of my mission this year to “de-bullshit” my life, I’ve been contemplating acquiring a dumb phone and with luck, my carrier has exactly one model. It’s features are the ability to talk, text and take crap-quality images and that’s it. The carrier representative…

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  • Scroll Your Own Way*

    *with apologies to Fleetwood Mac Scrolling is a tool of our current digital existence, no matter how much we dislike our dependence on it. This is because most people are scrolling on an app platform where they have little control on the content they see. …

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  • Bring Your USB

    Say what? A social file exchange for designers, artists, DJs, writers, musicians, researchers, engineers and anyone of interest. I’ve had a content club on the brain for the past few months and just discovered this. I am on the waitlist but from everything I’ve seen so…

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  • Frequency Illusion

    The frequency illusion, also called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, is a cognitive bias in which someone learns a novel word or concept—and then “suddenly” encounters it everywhere, whereas in fact it it is just more salient because it has been recently observed. Psychology Today magazine When we learn…

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  • Royal Pain

    Only one item was damaged during the cross-country relocation and that was my Royal Scrittore typewriter. I was looking forward to using it but apparently these things don’t defy gravity or react well with hard surfaces. I took it apart today to repair it and…

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  • Finger Painting

    The glass tablet in my hand is not just a consumption device but also a creative one. I am limited in talent and funds to explore creating art with a physical canvas and physical globs of paint. And so in their place I am using…

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  • Reset

    Sure, the domain name is the same but the platform and the design are all new. The previous Ghost server was very proprietary and will not allow an easy way to export all of my writings there. Nor would it allow me to import decades…

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  • Podcast

    Episodes will be produced and distributed once a week on Apple and Spotify platforms. This is a different component to this website. It is an audio journal that highlights photography, book reviews, geocaching and other areas of interest. All audio posts are 5 minutes or…

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  • The Future

    I’ve mentioned previously that something about writing online has to change soon. I’ve looked into the options to host my decades of digital journals with various low/no cost alternatives and they suck. Speaking of The Future, I just finished this book of the same name…

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