• April Fool

    Hi! In case you are new around here, I am Chris. If you are new around here, here is something About Me and why you should read my newsletter. In this letter, I share what’s on my mind, my latest writings, articles worth reading from…

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  • Precession of the Equinox Circles

    The Hoover Dam hides an intriguing secret connecting sky to ground and past to present, using a similar “as above, so below” system of measuring time displayed at the Giza Pyramid of Egypt. Located on the Nevada side of the Hoover Dam is an monument…

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  • News

    Hi! In case you are new around here, I am Chris. If you are new around here, here is something About Me and why you should read my newsletter. In this letter, I share what’s on my mind, my latest writings, articles worth reading from…

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  • Authentic Intelligence

    I’d like to put it out there to the World Wide Web right now- if I ever use artificial intelligence to write this website for me, I’ll shut it down first. But, until the damn thing grows arms, breasts and sentience, I’m in charge, so…

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  • Stolen Moments

    A camera offers gentle reminders to slow down and enjoy life’s simple moments as they happen. After a while you start to notice the little things, something I would’ve overlooked had I not taken up photography. A walk through the early fog

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  • I Am An Imbecile

    “Photography is a marvelous discovery, a science that has attracted the greatest intellects, and art that excites the most astute minds—and one that can be practiced by any imbecile.” — Nadar (1910)

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  • Why Photography?

    A question posed to me recently: What is the purpose in you taking photos? How are you going to use them? Your turn to ask and answer.

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  • Reading Hacks

    RSS, or, Really Simple Syndication, is having a comeback moment for many people. I’ve used this invaluable web tool since 2005 to hack my reading workflow and highly suggest others pick this up. It’s a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates…

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  • Autodiadactism

    “Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education (also self-learning and self-teaching) is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). Generally, autodidacts are individuals who choose the subject they will study, their studying material, and the studying rhythm and…

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  • Why Read?

    Fresh perspective. Escape. Different worlds. Answers to your questions. Ready to read at book store, library, dad’s bookshelf, online, offline, anywhere, everywhere. The answer you seek. Inspiration. Guaranteed to add points to your intelligence quotient. New skills added on an inexpensive budget. Endless pleasure. Books…

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  • A Gentleman’s Take

    Delighted to have been a guest for the up-and-coming YouTube series. If you’ve arrived here via YT or Twitter, then welcome! Kick back, relax and maybe even subscribe to the website via newsletter or RSS.

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  • Photo Film Is Expensive

    With Kodak raising (again), the price of their film stock, it doesn’t make sense to use recreationally anymore. Over the years, I have developed presets inside of Adobe Lightroom to apply to my images. These presets convert a digital image I’ve captured into a film…

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