• Hybrid Fitness

    There are way too many fitness trends out there and not anyone of them can do the job for you alone. P90X, yoga, adventure racing, crossfit, circuit training, pilates…which do I choose? I choose them all, or a mixture of them. Like writing code in…

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  • Hogapalooza

    I declare from here on out that I will never again take advantage of the all-you-can-eat BBQ rib night. Why do I do this to myself? After gorging on smoked meat, I waddled to the grocery store and bought yogurt, fruit, veggies, nuts, quinoa, whole…

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  • I Am With You

    “I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head I’m with you and I love you.” – Ernest Hemingway, from The Garden Of Eden

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  • Running Man

    I am not a runner. Most of my experiences have been short bursts of pure speed but no real endurance. I’ve attempted to change this as I’ve gotten older these past few years but never stuck with it. The problem has been my lungs and my knees.…

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  • Note To Self

    Am I in a mid life crisis? I wanted a wife to love and build a family. What is wrong? Why so much doubt? Who I am and who I wanted to be doesn’t jive with the person I’ve become This isn’t a mid life…

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  • Success vs Excuses

    What is holding me back from achieving what I want to do? I’m not talking about excuses but legitimate reasons. If I am honest with myself I won’t need excuses anyway. Jim Kuukral has organized 13 reasons why we are not successful. I’ve turned it…

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  • To: Me

    I was recently reading an article about a hospice nurse that wrote down conversations with her dying patients and some of the things they wished they had done or would have chosen to do differently. Here are the top five: 1. I wish I’d had…

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  • To: Me

    I was recently reading an article about a hospice nurse that wrote down conversations with her dying patients and some of the things they wished they had done or would have chosen to do differently. Here are the top five: 1. I wish I’d had…

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  • New Ending

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

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  • Physical Challenge: Get Fit/Stay Fit

    40 minute workout every other day. Warm up = 5m, 3 circuits for a total of 30m. 1 circuit = 10 minutes. Each circuit will be a mixture of exercises. Cool down = 5m. A minimum of 30m cardio training every other day. Running or…

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  • Mental Challenge

    My brain is constantly seeking input. I enjoy taking tech news and hacks to implement it into my life. It isn’t a fear of missing out (FOMO) that seems to be the case with most people. In order to prove that to myself, I look…

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  • Spiritual Challenge: Prep

    How can someone who works on weekends, including Sundays ever hope to maintain a relationship with God? There has been a real lack of a relationship and fellowship with other Christians for a long time now. This coming from a guy who used to study…

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