• Baby Denbow Progress

    Today Wonderwife and I purchased a dresser and changing table for the nursery as well as a closet organizer for the kid’s stuff. The little camera on top was from me. Hey, I can teach the child something already.

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  • links for 2007-05-26

    Shutterbug: Home Page (tags: photography news reviews photos photo Photoshop)

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  • Photo Friday 05.25.07

    Wave To The Camera!, originally uploaded by ::Photo Mojo::. It is Friday on the eve of a 3-day weekend. Finish your work and get out of there, people! Don’t forget to honor and appreciate the sacrifices of so many servicemen/women present & past while chewing…

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  • The Mojo Updates

      I know you have been waiting and waiting for it. You click the reload button in your browser. Maybe you press F5 to refresh your screen. Or perhaps you have been checking your RSS feed reader while hoping there was a new post from me.…

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  • Photo Friday 05.18.2007

    TGIF. Congratulations for surviving another week. Join the fun Flickr group FUTAB and put your feet up!

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  • Today I Feel…

    Its Friday!

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  • Fore(!) Charity

    This weekend is eventful. Not only will I be at Do Dah Day, but I have skybox tickets on the 18th hole at the Regions Charity Classic on the PGA Champions Tour. The event will be held at the esteemed Ross Bridge resort. Golfers playing…

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  • Do The Do Dah Day

    I have been the proud owner of Allie for 6 years and lived in Birmingham for almost 5 years and we have not been to Do Dah Day. Shame on me. Well, I am making amends and looking forward to going to this free event…

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  • Joost Invitations

    Have you been looking forward to Joost, the webware/software that is changing the face of internet video? Curious about what Joost is and how to enhance your online video experience? Check out Joost. Just click the link to enjoy. Technorati tags: Joost, internet, tv, video,…

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  • This Little Piggy Went “Ouch”

    At about 4:30am Wednesday morning, Allie the dog wakes me up to take her outside. We don’t have a fenced-in yard which prevents me from just opening the door, saying “hope everything comes out all right” and close the door behind her on her way…

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  • Where’s Mojo?

     April was a busy month for me and was quite overwelmingly fun, too. You could even see the the Mojo at 3 big events within the week such as the Art Connection, TechMixer and the IPSA Adobe event. PhotoCamp, 1040 Fest, etc too. I wasn’t alone…

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  • How Much?

    What would you do for a million dollars that you would NOT do for ten dollars?

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