The Locals

Even though I have met tons of new people and have sneaked my way into various people networks, there are still a few folks to see. Here are a few peeps I haven’t met yet but read their blogs. There are also places to discover that I haven’t been to yet. I smell a few meetups.

People listed are not in order of popularity…

Ike Pigott-Occam’s Razr

Doug Gillett- Hey Jenny Slater

Traci & Leah, the super cool chicks of RedBlondehead

Jean Goforth of Go Forth Alabama

Brian T. Murphy- Worstblogintheworld

Places here in town I’d like to go to but haven’t had the chance yet

The BottleTree Cafe

J. Clyde

Sidewalk Moving Picture Fest

 Sidewalk 2007

Sloss Fright Furnace

So who is the first to buy me an import beer?

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