• Two Essential Apps

    Day One- Over the previous ten years I have enjoyed using this journaling app and just re-subscribed. I appreciate the attention to logging every detail that may be used in context with, well, the text I input. Details such as the music I was listening…

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  • Lunar New Year

    Last week I ventured out to celebrate the ancient “Chinese New Year”, and then realized that a majority of Asian nations also celebrate but collectively call it “Lunar New Year.” Parade on the Avenida de Americas in downtown Houston Dragon + Lion dances through the…

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  • Pause, Stop, Off.

    It is time for us to create a “television escape club” and it is past time to do whatever we want. During my work travels for the past 15 weeks, I rarely streamed any movies or shows. The hotel televisions gathered dust and I ignored…

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  • Issue #1

    2024-02-18 *Author’s Note: I have published this e-mailed newsletter here on the website as a preview/promotion of what to expect when you subscribe For a grand total of $0. Forever. Hello and welcome to the first edition of this newsletter. Every weekend I plan on…

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  • PhotoDenbow

    The restoration and rebranding of my portfolio website is now complete. Formerly known as “Silver Fox Photography” at silverfox.photography, it is back again to photodenbow.com. Now when you click on the Photography page at the top here, it will redirect you to the new website.…

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  • Quick Note

    I am amazed at modern technology that allows me to build my own publishing house with an iPad and a few software applications. Finally I have streamlined and organized the ability to publish articles, newsletters and podcasts on one device for the entire world to…

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  • Now What?

    My first day back from work travel has already been a pretty full day. Lately, when these precious unscheduled hours present themselves, I usually suffer from paralysis of choice in deciding how to fill them. Hmm, what can I do… Read and nap. Or it’s…

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  • Welcome To My New Home

    Welcome to my newest digital home, https://chrisdenbow.website Like any new move there is going to be some things that are unpacked such as my archives that go back to 2001, a few design tweaks (like fresh coats of paint, wallpapering), and the constant re-arranging of…

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  • On Meditation

    The time to start taking care of myself is past due. Now that I have some time to focus on myself (not selfishly), I want to start with the simplest option and one of the most rewarding- meditation. A basic method is to focus your…

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  • Off Road

    Or, why I am done traveling for work Since October 2023, I have been traveling for work at a grand total of fifteen weeks. Fifteen weeks of lonely nights in cheap hotels, a measly per diem that allows for groceries and fast food only and…

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  • Reboot

    The idea of creating a brand new, anonymous digital identity was a good idea, until I decided it wasn’t. This wasn’t the first time I have flipped/flopped from a generic and private website, back to a domain with my own name in it. Currently it…

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  • Off Road

    Or, why I am done traveling for work Since October 2023, I have been traveling for work at a grand total of fifteen weeks. Fifteen weeks of lonely nights in cheap hotels, a measly per diem that allows for groceries and fast food only and…

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