•  Issues

    Having multiple  accounts should be nice and simple but leave it to me to complicate matters. Despite documenting all credentials and passwords, toggling back and forth has been frustrating. Yes, I blame myself, not .

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  • Time Machine

    “My camera is a Time Machine. A camera can be able to stop the world, in that we stop the world and then investigate what is there, carefully.” -Hiroshi Sugimoto

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  • Experiment

    I want to do an experiment soon to see if I can go without my iPhone for one day. I think we are too dependent on this damned thing. I’ll set up some alternatives that I use daily and then monitor the data with Apple…

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  • Process

    In the early days in the life of this website, I never had a writing workflow. Each post was dumped from my brain to the keyboard with a shrug and a push of a button to send. Over time, I picked up tools such as…

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  • Connect + Support

    When trying something new, it is okay to feel uncertain and hesitant, right? Well here I go anyway. Connect- My content lives here, on my one-man publishing house. Everything here is under my control and it’s then dispersed through three distribution channels. The first, and…

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  • Post-Process

    I just said goodbye to the $112 Adobe Lightroom annual subscription, again. Now I need to dismantle my Portfolio. I’ll let the $75 annual Flickr subscription lapse to and see which of the 47k+ images they’ll cull down to 1,000 on a free account. This…

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  • What Have I Done? (2)

    With Apple support, I have gained partial access to some devices except my MacBook and AirPods. Apparently they are signed in on another, older Apple ID. I have been attempting to add/drop devices onto old ID and try again on new ID but now the…

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  • What Have I Done?

    I have made a mess of things while trying to simplify. I let a domain name expire that also had a custom email address attached to it and according to my domain registrar, lost both to a third party who scooped up that domain name…

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  • The Anti-soda Water Club

    Sign me up for a variety of reasons such as health and unjustified cost increase. Back to sparkling water and teas for me please. 🥤🖕🏻

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  • F1 2024

    Subscription renewed and I am ready for a new season with 24 races around the world. Up first, Bahrain. Mercedes + McLaren

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  • To Err…

    Remind me to never write anything when I am tired. Mistakes are made, even when I rely on my writing software to analyze grammatical and spelling errors. That last Newsletter was littered with errors. Apologies.

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  • Issue #2

    2024-02-25 Hello and welcome to the second edition of this newsletter. Every Sunday morning, I intend to send an update or insight to things that I find interesting from the previous week, just like your Sunday morning newspaper. It is entirely possible that you may…

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