• Ghosted

    I have had a need to simplify my websites and the expenses that come with them. That changed today. A year ago I transferred this website to a self-hosted instance instead, for simplicity and ease of use but I gave up too much control. Today,…

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  • ARTifical

    I toyed around with DALL-E today and asked for a random but specific depiction of “a dark background oil painting of an intelligent looking fox smoking his tobacco pipe while working on his MacBook” And here are the results. I think this is a brilliant…

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  • Amazon Kindle

    After years of dragging my feet, I have finally purchased not one, but two, Amazon Kindle e-reader devices. The first was a cheap ($15) Fire tablet from a pawn shop. I had no intention of buying anything, just a passing curiosity, but then I saw…

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  • Amazon Kindle

    After years of dragging my feet, I have finally purchased not one, but two, Amazon Kindle e-reader devices. The first was a cheap ($15) Fire tablet from a pawn shop. I had no intention of buying anything, just a passing curiosity but then I saw…

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  • Publishing On The Go

    My website has being going for over twenty years. In that time, technology has transformed my life and the way I write has gone through some pretty major shifts. What was first typed into a frustratingly slow WordPress installation can now be published from a…

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  • Photo Archive & Curation

    2023 is the year I finally go RAID (redundant array of independent disks). After that, a dedicated photo file server. Then organize images with tags, keywords, geotags, faces. Easily searchable. Convert to the Digital Negative format and use as backup One Lightroom catalog per yearly…

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  • Suggested Reading

    I have a particular hatred of American politics and its ability to worm its way into everything. During the entire Trump administration, even tech blogs managed to sneak in some snark and commentary. No thanks. All media and social media were covering the poison of…

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  • RSS

    Whether you are sick of social media, want to get away from endless notifications, or just want to read all your news all in one spot, an RSS reader can help. RSS stands for “really simple syndication.” It’s a protocol that allows an RSS reader…

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  • Overorganized & Underused

    Over-organizing is a great way to procrastinate. Am I doing something useful or am I avoiding something that is intellectually more difficult? I am not an archivist.But I want to curate my notes and articles. I am not making notes for legal documents.Just for me.…

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  • iPhoneography Tips

    There are phases I go back and forth with in my photography such as mobile-only for awhile or a professional camera. This article will discuss my continuing fascination with iPhoneography and tips on how to make it better. iPhone Camera app interface Clean the lens…

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  • Mojo Island (GCA06T7)

    With my friends joining me, I have claimed an island in the middle of the Arkansas river as my own and renamed it “Mojo Island.” After verifying GPS coordinates, I placed a container full of treasure and a log for those intrepid explorers who follow…

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  • Support

    In the entire twenty years of this website’s existence, I have never monetized it. No ads, no gimmicks, nada. It has been self-sufficient this whole time. But, all of a sudden I find myself in a situation where rising costs of server hosts and email…

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