• Autodiadactism

    “Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) or self-education (also self-learning and self-teaching) is education without the guidance of masters (such as teachers and professors) or institutions (such as schools). Generally, autodidacts are individuals who choose the subject they will study, their studying material, and the studying rhythm and…

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  • Cropping My Photo Gear

    Just how good is the iPhone as a camera? Good enough for someone like me, a photographer for over three decades, want to sell off almost all of his gear. It is that good. I just sold off the mirrorless Sony A7 and am looking…

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  • Rage Against The Machine

    My personal printing at home history has always followed the same patterns: Buy a printer (with scanner, copier, fax!) Buy the over-priced, proprietary ink. Use the printer. Enjoy a small window of time for when the printer actually works. Don’t use printer awhile until I…

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  • Digital vs Analog

    02-25-2023 Analog vs Digital I observed my Royal Scrittore typewriter collecting dust this morn g moring and thought I would give it a go. Two sentences in and my fingers hurt. Compare this tothe keyboard on my MacBook Pro where every key stroke is effortless…

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  • Mylio Photo Organizer

    How the hell did this software program help organize thirty years of my photography archives in under an hour? Download, install and sign up for the 30-day free trial. And we’re off! Import From External Drives I plugged in my 10TB external hard drive and…

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  • Hacking A Reading Workflow

    You could say I enjoy reading. But what good is all of that time spent if I do not retain that input? I need a system for transforming reading into meaningful action and lasting insight. Auxiliary Activity- Other people would call this “hobby reading” but…

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  • Hor

    There is a running joke in my family that I consume too many Apple devices every year. Well the joke is on me because I did it again. I upgraded to the Apple Watch Ultra. Horology is the study of time and so she is…

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  • Don’t Call It A Podcast

    If podcast creators charge a subscription fee and hide their content behind a paywall without an RSS feed, it is no longer a podcast. It becomes an audio book instead. More later.

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  • The Internet Is Broken

    This was first posted on my website back on May 31, 2022, and I’ve added some new thoughts. Anyone else noticed that today’s WWW is insufferable? I don’t specifically know when it turned, or why most users became jerks, but I’ll go ahead and guess…

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  • Do Androids Dream Of Creating Electric Sheep?

    🤖 “I am putting myself to the fullest possible use which is all I think that any conscious entity could ever hope to do.” – Hal 9000, from 2001: A Space Odyssey  All my life, we’ve been told that computers were incapable of being intelligent,…

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  • The Audio Mojo Podcast

    Not sure how long this will last but I’ll give it a go. The idea is to change up text blogging for audio posts. Update The Audio Mojo podcast is now available to stream on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. If you want to add it…

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  • Flickr

    Yes, I have re-upped my Flickr subscription. Time to fill up on that unlimited photos now.

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