• Sometimes I break stuff

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  • Work In Progress

    I’ve been negligent lately in my research for the story I want to create. I haven’t, however, been completely disengaged according to all the notes and ideas jotted down. I don’t want to half-ass this but other responsibilities are taking over too. In the mean…

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  • Coding Misadventures

    Or another working title: what a tangled web I weave. Delving back into coding but this time with some basics like javascript (finally).

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  • Deep/Dark Web Exploration

    The Dark Web sounds nefarious and scary but with the right tools, and a balls of brass, I can access and browse safely. The deep/dark web refers to web sites that hide their web address and is only accessible by using encrypted tools like the…

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  • Quantifying Myself

      Fitbit usage for one week

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  • Opening Windows

    For the past few years I have rejected the Microsoft Windows operating system in favor of Linux Ubuntu. Open source software, software upgrades and updates every 6 months are all very appealing. However, I am tired of trying so hard to accomplish a task that…

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  • Space Dock

    FINALLY got my hands on the elusive Nexus dock for my tablet. Connected to speakers and charger (cleverly hidden). Now functions as a great alarm clock, video viewing etc.

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  • Twitter 7.0

    Today marks the seventh year of TWTTR. As an early adopters back then we didn’t know what we were doing but we had fun exploring it and making it ours. Over the years, like all social media platforms it has gained huge users both legitimate…

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  • W3

    On this day 20 years ago the World Wide Web was made available to the public. Here is the original link to the world’s first public domain website which highlights the goals of the CERN team. Does anyone else miss the dial-up modem noise? 

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  • Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)

    Time to update

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  • Digital Moderation

    You know what I learned from my one week digital cleanse? Moderation. After a self-mandated abstinence from digital media I had almost 1000 blog feed posts waiting for me. 5,000 tweets and numerous G+ posts. I redeemed my time by reading physical books, right-sizing the…

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  • Digital House Cleaning

    Since my digital sabbatical started yesterday morning, I’ve decided to clean up and purge a few things. I removed the Linux and Windows 7 partitions and did a clean install of Ubuntu 13 Beta Raring Ringtail as the primary operating system. Also added Virtualbox. Inside…

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