• NOvember

    The end of the year is almost here and there are some last minute addendums to be made to my Groundhog Day Resolutions. NO donuts NO eating out all the time NO drinking all the time Absolutely, positively NO Whataburger I’ve lost five pounds this…

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  • Atomic Scribbler

    I’ve discovered a new, Windows only writing tool called Atomic Scribbler and it is PERFECT for my needs. It rivals the over-priced Scrivener in features and cost. Just in time for NANOWRIMO next month.

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  • A Non-Expert’s Guide To Writing

    Three important lessons for people who are inspiring writers and have never done this before: Get a unique story idea. Plot it out. Research and study the hell out of your topic and genre.  A fourth lesson would be to stop focusing on all of…

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  • A Non-Expert Guide To Writing

    Three important lessons for people who are inspiring writers and have never done this before: Get a unique story idea. Plot it out. Research and study the hell out of your topic and genre. A fourth lesson would be to stop focusing on all of…

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  • iA Writer

    After several free trials, beta tests and tribulations I have chosen iA Writer as my tool to help me create stories I want to tell (not calling myself a writer or author yet). The software for me had to pass several standards such as: Cross-platform…

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  • Stay or Go?

    When I noticed recently that the total number of photos stored on my computer is almost 40,000, it seemed time to do some organizing and pruning. No problem right? Just get rid of the images I don’t want and look for the keepers. So, what…

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  • iA Writer

    After several free trials, beta tests and tribulations of desktop writing software I have finally decided on my tool of choice. iA Writer helps me take notes and create the stories I want to tell (not calling myself a writer or author yet). The criteria…

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  • Stay Or Go?

    When I noticed recently that the total number of photos stored on my computer is almost 40,000, it seemed time to do some organizing and pruning. No problem right? Just get rid of the images I don’t want and look for the keepers. So, what…

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  • Photo Archeology

    My very first digital photograph back in November 2001. When I was away at college I borrowed my father’s Olympus C2100. I loved the zoom and bokeh it produced. This had helped solidify my photography enthusiasm. I discovered this when sorting through the archives and…

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  • Photo Archeology

    My very first digital photograph back in November 2001. When I was away at college I borrowed my father’s Olympus C2100. I loved the zoom and bokeh it produced. This had helped solidify my photography enthusiasm. I discovered this when sorting through the archives and…

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  • 8/8 GHR Check-in

    Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new…

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  • 8/8 GHR Check-In

    Time to evaluate my progress for my Groundhog Resolutions, the 10th annual attempt at creating life-long habits for myself. I’ve discovered that right after the end of the year holidays I am not mentally or physically capable of sticking with resolutions for the upcoming new…

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