• Thirst Quencher

    “Everything we’re forced to learn at school we quickly forget, but the things we set out to learn ourselves — to quench a thirst — are never forgotten, and inevitably become an important part of our existence.”—Werner Herzog

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  • Death Before Inadequacy

    “Don’t be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life.” — Bertolt Brecht “Idleness makes hours pass slowly and years swiftly. Activity makes the hours short and the years long.” – Cesare Pavese

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  • Less Study More Life

    [I]n order to write a book, do a deed, paint a picture with some life in it, one has to be alive oneself. And so, unless you never want to progress, study is a matter of very secondary importance for you. Enjoy yourself as much…

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  • Preservationists

    “We’re all so frightened by time, the way it moves on and the way things disappear. That’s why we’re photographers. We’re preservationists by nature. We take pictures to stop time, to commit moments to eternity. Human nature made tangible. People are taking more pictures now…

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  • I Am An Imbecile

    “Photography is a marvelous discovery, a science that has attracted the greatest intellects, and art that excites the most astute minds—and one that can be practiced by any imbecile.” — Nadar (1910)

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  • Have An Adventure

    “I’m sorry, I may never find a place this nice again, but I need to go out into the world and have my adventure.” – Big Fish

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  • An Offshoot Of Meditation

    ““Journaling is an offshoot of meditation—a type of introspection where a record of events is welcome. It doesn’t have to mean the record is permanent. In fact, it’s probably better as ephemeral—permanently locked behind a password. But, the fact that it exists is a comfort…

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  • Being Sane

    “I wish to get America out of my head and be sane a part of every day.” —Thoreau’s journal, January 7, 1857

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  • Learn

    “Learn to like what doesn’t cost much.Learn to like reading, conversation, music.Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different…different from you.Learn to like to…

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  • Interest

    “I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t” Albert Camus, The Stranger

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  • Not Really Living

    I can’t stand it to think my life is going so fast and I’m not really living it. Ernest Hemingway Houston Metro Lightrail circa 2016

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  • Why Ask Why

    “Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” Pablo Picasso Picasso, when asked what his paintings meant. Sometimes we create for the sake of creating and seeing what happens. There are times where I go out…

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