• Risk

    “Take the risk or lose the chance.” – Someone

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  • Risk

    “Take the risk or lose the chance.” – Someone

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  • Be Curious

    ”Be curious, not judgmental.” Someone, (not Walt Whitman)

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  • Be Curious

    “Be curious, not judgmental” – someone (not Walt Whitman)

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  • Strict Tolerance

    Be strict with yourself and tolerant of others. Your standards are for you.

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  • Strict

    Be strict with yourself and tolerant of others. Your standards are for you.

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  • Mystery

    “We don’t know enough about ourselves. I think it’s better to know that you don’t know, that way you can grow with the mystery as the mystery grows in you. But, these days, of course, everybody knows everything, that’s why so many people are so…

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  • Mystery

    “We don’t know enough about ourselves. I think it’s better to know that you don’t know, that way you can grow with the mystery as the mystery grows in you. But, these days, of course, everybody knows everything, that’s why so many people are so…

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  • Giving Up

    “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” – Mark Twain

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  • On Civilization

    Read it and weep. “Formerly the fewest men wrote books that were most valuable. Now anybody writes and prints anything he likes and poisons people’s minds. It has been stated that, as men progress, they shall be able to travel in airships and reach any…

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  • Obsession

    “Lastly, if there’s anything I can convince you of: you should build a personal site, you should obsess over it, you should meticulously document it, and you should have quite a bit of fun doing so. (It’s worth it.)” – Justin Duke

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  • Time Machine

    “My camera is a Time Machine. A camera can be able to stop the world, in that we stop the world and then investigate what is there, carefully.” -Hiroshi Sugimoto

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