TIL 30

Things I Learned In 2024 Week 30:

Hoopla– want to stream audiobooks, or movies? Read books and magazines? A perfect companion courtesy of your local library. I was able to find obscure movie titles to stream when everywhere else failed or charged $$ for such as: Metropolis (finally!), Hundreds of Beavers, Nosferatu (finally!) so far. All were silent movies and in the public domain but other streamers wanted a minimum of $6 to rent. Nope!

More frequency illusion, or Rabbits, was a re-occurring theme from the Metropolis movie:

Kleon had the same theme in one of his newsletters last week but it was regarding art. In that if you want to create good art, you need a combination of head, heart and hands.

Rosetta Stone– another service courtesy of the local library. The renowned language learning program is available. I need to polish up my Spanish and maybe take up Italian. They are similar so it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Hemingway– As if I didn’t have enough to consume lately, I’ve rented a 3-disc video series on E.H. By Ken Burns, as well as downloaded a few of E.H.’s novels courtesy of Gutenberg Press. Thank goodness I opted to get the larger memory chip for my Kindle.

Classical music– Masses, litanies, vespers, psalms, oratorios, cantatas, requiems, operas, concertos, sonata, symphony, string quartets, chamber music, Masonic, divertimentos, serenade, dances, marches, etc etc. Why do the composers have “k” or “v” in their music titles? 173dA? Okay, sure. I’ve always enjoyed classical but never understood the details. Too much to learn and I regret never have taken a class on music theory or appreciation. I am rectifying this now, slowly.

Reading– Adding to my infinite tower of books to devour will be a study of Dante’s Inferno. That’ll take a year, easily. Throw in some Don Quixote, mix it with Hunter S. Thompson as well as C.S. Lewis and Tolkien. Then, read up on how well those last two worked and inspired each other for their fantasies from Middle Earth and Narnia.

TIL 29

  1. Enjoyed a recent haul of classic movies from the library such as Casablanca, Forbidden Planet, The TIme Machine and The Day The Earth Stood Still. I was born in the wrong decade it seems. 
  2. Finished 3 more books and over halfway to my 24 in 2024 goal. Adding more non-fiction in the next few months to break up the fiction.
  3. I have downloaded Apple Classical Music app and been streaming a lot of the favorites. As a part of the twelve week humanities course (see week 28 above,) I will be more selective and appreciative. 
  4. I need to get serious and more selective with my reading habits too. I subscribe to a lot of writers via RSS but do not do them justice. There is a lot to learn and I am flying through it because “content!” I should be ashamed of myself and slow down.

TIL 28

  1. A twelve week immersive Humanities course that covers reading, art appreciation and music is something I can get behind. 
  2. Printernet- Your reading list printed out in magazine form and mailed to you. Brilliant.
  3. Austin Kleon’s newsletter regarding art is meant to be used by head, heart and hands.
  4. I am going on a deep dive re-learning HTML