• NSCoding. @interface MyObject : NSObject <NSCoding> @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *firstValue; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *secondValue; @end Your implementation must include encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder – (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)encoder {    [encoder encodeObject:self.firstValue forKey:@”first_value”];    [encoder encodeObject:self.secondValue forKey:@”second_value”]; } – (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder {    self = [MyObject new];  …

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  • When I log into Facebook, I see Facebook. When I visit your blog, I see you. – somebody

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  • Creative Storage You must be constantly adding to your store. For this purpose you create… principally upon your own impressions, feelings and experiences. You also acquire material from life around you, real and imaginary, from reminiscences, books, art, science, knowledge of all kinds, from journeys,…

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  • Creative Storage

    “ You must be constantly adding to your store. For this purpose you create… principally upon your own impressions, feelings and experiences. You also acquire material from life around you, real and imaginary, from reminiscences, books, art, science, knowledge of all kinds, from journeys, museums…

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  • The Norman Rockwell exhibit at Gilcrease museum was a brilliant behind the painting look at his photography. Throwing in a green screen and a bit of fuckery at the end made it even better.

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  • Art, She Said

    The Norman Rockwell exhibit at Gilcrease museum was a brilliant behind the painting look at his photography. Throwing in a green screen and a bit of fuckery at the end made it even better. 

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  • Sometimes I break stuff

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  • Work In Progress I’ve been negligent lately in my research for the story I want to create. I haven’t, however, been completely disengaged according to all the notes and ideas jotted down. I don’t want to half-ass this but other responsibilities are taking over too.…

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  • Work In Progress

    I’ve been negligent lately in my research for the story I want to create. I haven’t, however, been completely disengaged according to all the notes and ideas jotted down. I don’t want to half-ass this but other responsibilities are taking over too. In the mean…

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  • Pleasant Distractions

    These are the pleasant distractions currently occupying my attention in no particular order… My secret, ambitious book project hikery portrait photography projects re-learning javascript, html5, CSS building my photography group re-building my server wandering writing more for my website audio/video updates on my progress

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  • Pleasant Distractions

    These are the pleasant distractions currently occupying my attention in no particular order… My secret, ambitious book project hikery portrait photography projects re-learning javascript, html5, CSS building my photography group re-building my server wandering writing more for my website audio/video updates on my progress

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  • Currently

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