• The Mini

    “Hey Siri, shuffle play my Late + Loud jazz playlist…”

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  • Autumn Nights

    An excellent evening to sit, smoke, shoot and enjoy a medicinal beverage.

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  • Cold + Cough

    Is really starting to affect energy levels. Creativity levels down to zero.

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  • Quarantine Month #8

    Eight months ago today I started work from home due to the quarantine. I want and need the separation. WFH has blurred my work/life/creativity balance and it shows.

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  • Keto Diet Update


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  • Me Time

    Read Practice Mindfulness Journal daily Exercise Reflect Love yourself love others Laugh Keep a small circle of friends Keep learning Gratitude Make peace often But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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  • Social Web vs Social Media

    I’ve been online since 1996, and have seen so many websites come and go. Remember Geocities and chat rooms? Those were the places to be, until they weren’t. A few years later and they were shut down. Your online friends were deleted. After those there…

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  • Down & Out

    Started to feel a scratchy throat this morning and I have been resting. No desire to publish a new journal post here today.

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  • 11/11 Check-In and Journey’s End

    On 2/2 I began my year-long journey to create lifelong habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. How did I do since my last check-in on 10/10? Nutrition &…

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  • The Roaring 20s

    After World War I and the Spanish Flu one hundred years ago, this country enjoyed a time of both cultural and economic prosperity. After those trying times of war and disease people were ready to live again, and we can look back and see this…

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  • Siddartha

    One of the best books that I have read recently is Siddartha by Hermann Hesse of how the title character pursues a spiritual quest and search for understanding. Siddartha was young, wise and loved by everyone in his village, but he and his friend leave…

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  • No-Shave November

    “No-Shave November is a month-long journey during which male participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise men’s cancer awareness.” Now I am not one to publicly support causes or movements, preferring to support or donate privately, but I do enjoy…

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