• Condom Commercial

    Just in time for Father’s Day…okay, I giggled like a little girl and I don’t know why.

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  • What a Big Girl!!!

    What a Big Girl!!!, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind. Happy Father’s day to me from Daphne.

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  • My First Father's Day

    There cannot be enough positive adjectives to describe how I feel when I say how happy I am to have Daphne in my life. She brings me so much joy. Without shame or pretense, I have to say that she is the cutest baby I…

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  • Allie-Bama

    Yesterday we said goodbye to Allie, our 7 yr old family dog. We had her since she was a little puppy in Missouri. When we decided to move to Texas next month, we knew we could not take her with us and it broke our…

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  • Ben Harper

    Ben Harper, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

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  • Buddy Guy Blues Jam Session

    Buddy Guy Blues Jam Session, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo.

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  • Keep/Sell/Trash

    The weekend after we found out we are moving to Houston found us sorting our basement & garage into nice neat sections. This is our 4th move in twelve years and it never ceases to amaze me how much stuff we bring onto ourselves. This…

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  • Big Girl

    Big Girl, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. I cannot believe how big she is getting. Daphne is 9 months old and she amazes me everyday.

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  • The Winds of Change

    The Change Agent: Wednesday afternoon was when I found out that I had lost my job. After Daphne was born, Wonderwife & I decided it was best if the girls would stay at home and still feel this is what is best for Daphne. So…

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  • I Wonder Why

    or what is holding me back from writing down the words in my head. Pride?  I want to produce something full of wit and epic in it’s own right. Fail.

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  • Let's Talk About Sex

    Like the title? It is sure to draw all sorts of unwanted spam, but bring it on anyway. A colleague mentioned that my site is just for guys. I said “No way!” So help me out and prove them wrong. If you don’t have outdoor…

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  • What's In Your Bag?

    I tease Wonderwife about her bag obsessions which has blossomed even more since we carry a diaper bag around as well now. I really should be careful after I realized that I too carry a purse. So what kind of baggage does the Mojo carry?…

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