• JC 1731

    4/17/2021 ISO 400 f/1.6 No Flash

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  • Walking Along The Seashells

    A visual journey on the Texas/Mexico Coastline. It was time to recalibrate and reset my mind, body and soul and take a vacation. Having been denied a trip to the Chihuahuan desert plains near Terlingqua and Big Bend National park twice, once to COVID and…

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  • Goodbye Adobe

    Since 2006, I’ve enjoyed utilizing Adobe Lightroom to organize and post-process my images. Adobe’s software has since gone from a one-time purchase to a subscription plan for photographers. Earlier today I received an email stating it was to time to resubscribe and it got me…

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  • Boca Chica

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  • Bedtime Procrastination

    I’ve always found myself staying up late even if I was tired or had to get up early because I wanted more me time. It’s called revenge bedtime procrastination and people who do it gain a sense of control back in their life. This is…

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  • Where Did The Photographer Go?

    When I was starting out using my first DSLR cameraI I took it with me everywhere and shot anything of interest. One, to break the camera in and two, to explore what my interests were. I didn’t have a genre yet and was figuring out…

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  • Training Session

    Feel sore tomorrow. Or feel sorry.

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  • Now What?

    1 month after giving up portrait photography for landscape, urban photography and I am uninspired. Doesn’t help that there is a pandemic in a boring city/state.

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  • The Hipstamatic

    I’ve been enjoying the Hipstamatic camera app for almost 10 years now and in my opinion, this is one of the most fun film emulators you can use. Digital photography has never looked so analog. You can swipe and choose over 100 lenses, film stocks,…

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  • Currently Reading 3/16/2021

    As usual, the library has my desired titles on hold for weeks, and then seems to release them all at once. If I don’t check them out promptly, they’ll go to the next patron and I’ll need to wait for even more weeks. This week,…

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  • A New Focus

    After almost twenty years of portrait photography I have decided to switch to a new challenge in landscape photography. I’ll also throw in some street photography as well. Photographing nature and cityscapes will be a difficult new genre to learn but I know I’ll have…

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  • Connectile Dysfunction

    All my home and mobile connectivity goes through one provider, T-Mobile. So when the closest tower has maintenance issues, it is crucial to have it resolved quickly. For a communications provider they really haven’t been communicative which adds more frustration. The technical issues are getting…

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