• Nice Parking, Bud!

    Nice Parking, Bud!, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. A real website where you can upload mobile photos when you see a car parked poorly. Leave the cutout under their windshield. Hysterical.

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  • links for 2007-07-25

    Chapter 1 of Bit Literacy

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  • links for 2007-07-24

    Steal This Book Make your images professional (tags: photo) Backpacker Magazine – GPS Hikes, Adventures, Topo Maps, Aerial Photos (tags: hiking travel maps backpacking gps outdoors camping)

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  • links for 2007-07-23

    AT&T launches live video service in city- al.com

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  • Battle of the Houses

    Battle of the Houses, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book release. Gryffindor versus Slytherin at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. The Summit, Birmingham, Alabama.

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  • links for 2007-07-21

    SeeqPod Music beta – Playable Search – Find. Discover. Watch. Listen. Share. (tags: Music mp3 search audio web2.0 free aggregator)

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  • Porsche 250

    Its time again for the Grand American Rolex Porsche 250 race weekend at the Barber Motorsports Park. Last year was my first time attending the new event and what a blast it was! Friends ask why I enjoy this over NASCAR. The answer is simple,…

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  • Barcamp Birmingham 2.0

      Just throwing the idea out there to spark discussion. Leave your comments. OK, go!

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  • Like Father Like Son

    Like Father Like Son, originally uploaded by Photo-Mojo. Mom just sent me a 34 year old photograph she took while pregnant with me. Here is my father staining my dresser while below I prepare to paint my baby’s dresser. Freaky cool.

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  • So Wassup?

    Yes, I know that the highly-popular “Wassup?” Budweiser commercials are about 7 years old, but they are classics. A few people have decided to mashup Bud with Star Wars and Superfriends characters with hilarity. Just press play! I’ll spare you the just-as funny “white-boy, granny…

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  • The MOB Scene

    I had a great time connecting with a more than a few folks in the local media last night at Workplay. The Media Of Birmingham (MOB) hosted their July event, Monday Bloody Monday, a reference to the U2 concert playing in the Workplay theater at…

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  • links for 2007-07-17

    grono.net – social networking website (tags: community social web2.0 free Socialnetwork)

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