April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City

Flickr: Discussing April Fools Magic City Photo Walk in Magic City

Yes, it is true, we ARE having another photowalk in the Birmingham area this Tuesday night. We’ll meet at 5:30PM in the Speakeasy downtown Birmingham. After a few drinks to um, enhance our shooting skills, we’ll hit the pavement and capture anything that strikes our fancy.

The Rules:
Who is invited: Anyone who wants to come.

Who is not invited: mean people.

Required equipment: a camera of any type.

Suggested equipment: tripod (for after it gets dark).

Required Photographic Skill Level: Any. The purpose of this event is to just have fun, meet some people, share tips and tricks, and just enjoy photography together.

So that’s it, come on and join us April 1st!

A few shots from the last photowalking event:

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When corporate headquarters reminded it’s employees that no personal music/photos/videos were allowed on company laptops, a collective “Oh crap” was heard throughout. After filling up my 8GB flash drive, I still had at least 10 GB more to remove.

Then I remembered ADrive. This is a web-based storage and back-up application that hosts up to 50GB. Free.

Problem solved and my work laptop thanks me for it. Wow.

Introducing My Space

I’ve created and authored a lot of web sites/blogs and a friend of mine suggested that with all of theses sites inside of what I call Studio Mojo, I do not have a web presence that I can truly call my own. So, without delay, I am introducing MojoDenbow.info.

Originally, I had a personal website that was basic, free and hosted by WordPress.com. There were page templates, limited storage and not as customizable as I would have liked. Since then, I decided to create various websites on our own server, with their own domain names as opposed to mojodenbow.wordpress.com to mojodenbow.info. Why .info? It rhymes with my name. Duh!

To get the latest updates the Mojo has to offer, please add this site to your RSS reader. The address is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MojoDenbow and if you want the updates delivered to your email inbox instead, be sure to sign up here:

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For the other sites in Studio Mojo such as photography, hiking, technology, video blogging and more, the links are provided on the left sidebar of the page.


Want to follow me elsewhere online? Name it and I am probably there…

Birmingham, AL, US
Blogger, photographer, hiker, husband, father. I talk about somet… more
Sites Authored
Provided by MyBlogLog

Spring Time Is Here

I mowed the grass for the first time this season and paid the price for it. There were more than a few weeds and it seems they all found their way into my sinuses. I went to the doctor today and got some good stuff to counteract it.

I’ve never had allergies before. It takes getting used to and it sucks.

What's Up Doc?

What’s Up Doc, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

This girl is ready for spring as she sports her dress and rabbit ears!



The Mojo has been super busy and has lost his blogging mojo for over a week. Various reasons apply such as travel, brother’s wedding, day job kicking my tail and new website development.

All will be better soon. For updates, you can follow me on Twitter:


Little Stowaway

Little Stowaway, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind.

This breaks my heart as I fly out to Tulsa this week…miss you baby!

Bad To The Bone

I had an opportunity to shoot George Thorogood & the Destroyers at the Alabama Theatre Sunday night. These guys can still rock and they know it. I’ll edit more photos and post them here & Flickr as well.

A big thank you to Jenna at Mike Donahue Management and most especially to the lovely Angela at Live Nation for escorting me around the theatre!