Inconvenience Stores

yes, YES!

Thanks to surging fuel prices last year (this year too?) and economic woes, fueling stations/convenience stores now treat all customers with contempt. They assume everyone is out to steal their fuel with drive-offs. Yes, there is that but why should the 99.5% of us who pay for our consumption be inconvenienced?

If I would like to actually go inside and purchase a beverage or watermelon/raspberry/mango Hubba Bubba bubble gum, why do I have to have two transactions? Pay at the pump AND pay inside? I’d like to make one transaction, please.

Oh, and since I am paying at the pump with my debit card and ask for receipt, then by golly you can ensure that a roll of paper is filled so I do not have to come inside to fetch it.

Why do water bottles have an expiration date on them? Water is 10,000 years old already.

$7 car wash (discounted a dollar with fuel purchase)?? Give us a break. How inconvenient.

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus

You’re Doing it Wrong

Day 28: Frustration

Confession: I do not click advertisements on websites or blogs. Ever. The very idea that a site’s content is so crucial to my daily reading that it would not be possible without sponsorship is hooey. In fact, the bigger blogs annoy us with posts every Friday about how great their sponsor’s products are. New media is looking like old media and I do not like it. Whatever happened to enthusiasts who do something well because they enjoy it?

I’d agree that there are startup costs, server space to pay for, equipment, etc but after that, is it reasonable for you to expect us to pay for your salary? There are no more niches. You are not unique anymore. There is too much competition now. If you start charging for your content on top of your advertisements on sites, embedded inside feeds, in podcasts, you will get unsubscribed.

For the past 5 years (web 2.0), we have enjoyed social media apps that are free to use and laced with advertisements. Even though they can be ignored or even blocked with scripts, they are still present and distracting.

Is this a good business model? I cannot believe I am alone in my loathing for web ads but the internet is a new frontier for companies. How often do new markets come around, after all?

I’d love to get your feedback on this, please.

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.

It Was The Best Of Times…

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness…"
— Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities

The economy is in the toilet. Companies are irresponsible and reward those that they rely on with layoffs & cutbacks. Current events from across the globe are negative. The United States is still waging war on 2 third world countries. Depression? Recession?

Upon reflection, this is a wake up call that will help us rise out of this mess. Financial responsibility will be priority one from households to boardrooms. We will innovate and create. The world will rebound and we will find ourselves better and smarter.

We will not find hope or change with our governments. We have hope and desire change through ourselves and each other.


What are you doing to make yourself better? How are you innovating, becoming more responsible? Add your comments with either text or video replies!

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.

Light Rail Pub Crawl

The 3rd Annual Light Rail Pub Crawl rolls through Downtown and Midtown this Friday evening. Here’s the inside scoop on our TENTATIVE schedule. And by TENTATIVE we mean "subject to change because we’re having a great time at a place and don’t want to leave or because the trains are slow." However, you should be aware that we run a tighter ship as the evening progresses because the frequency of the trains slows down.

And, yes, we realize that the bars are not listed. You should have a decent idea of the places we’re hitting based on the stops and our "no more than three blocks from the rail" rule. Need specifics so that you can meet us out on Friday? No dramas. Follow us on Twitter for route updates on the fly.

We can’t wait to meet you. You’ll know us by our fantastic shirts and gregarious nature.

Houstonist 3rd Annual Light Rail Pub Crawl
Friday, March 6th @ 5:30 PM

Rally Point: Flying Saucer Draught Emporium – upstairs
705 Main St @ Capitol
(713) 228-7468

TENTATIVE METRO Station Departure Schedule

Depart McGOWEN STN at 7:59 PM
Depart ENSEMBLE / HCC STN at 9:37 PM

* – all departure times are approximate

Free first cocktail and METRO passes while they last! And, free Houstonist schwag for people we like!

Also, this post was shamelessly lifted and reposted in it’s entirety. Original author is Jason Bargas

Know & Tell 03/04/09

High As A Kite

Did I mention it was a windy dayThat explains the kind of day we had today as we celebrated little DVD’s 1.5 years of existing. Today’s activities included kite flying, ice cream consumption and chillaxin. Photos are courtesy of Wonderwife since I was piloting the aircraft. Video is here.








Inspecting the Kite

Playing with the Kite Tail

Twitter Crawl!


You’ve attended pub crawls before, but now my good friend Lennie at Saint Arnold has organized an exclusive crawl for all those on Twitter (add me @mojodenbow) and crave the best craft brew in Texas!

The first stop is at Hans’ Bier Haus

Map picture

Once there, Twitterers/crawlers will get a punch card with one hole punch in it. The next stop will be revealed at Hans’ and when they proceed to the next one they will get a second punch in their card. The last stop will be revealed then.

When people get to stop #3 they can redeem their punch card for a free SA pint glass. There will also be a special reserved cask of Christmas Ale at the last stop! Yummo! Fun? Of course! Bring your designated driver, your mobile Twitter & map clients and we’ll see you there tonight at 6PM. (Disclaimer: I am a passionate consumer of Saint Arnold’s many flavors of craft beer)

Oh, don’t forget that Saint Arnold hosts a Tour & Tasting Every Saturday at 1:00.

Saint Lennie?

Lennie, the patron saint of Twitter crawls. Cheers!

This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.

Excuse Me, Your Ass Just Called

I’ve been accused by friends and family alike that I “butt dial”. This means that when my mobile phone is in my pockets and gets sat on, it dials whatever lucky soul I last talked to . My father has mentioned he heard me drive down the road with music in the background. Wonder if he picked up on the road rage? Imagine my surprise when I came across an advertisement by T-Mobile recently: