• Say Tweet!

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  • A Good Day

    Wonderwife, DVD and I visited the Children’s Museum today and enjoyed it. It was fun to watch Daphne explore, play and socialize with other kids. She just could not believe all of the toys and space in which to play! In other news, my father…

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  • Get Cultured…for Free

      Looking for something cheap and kid-friendly this weekend? Saturday is Museum Day, a Smithsonian-sponsored chance to get into lots of museums at no cost. Check the Museum Day map for a list of venues near you offering up free admission. You know where Wonderwife,…

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  • Playing In Traffic

    For the past few days, the streets and highways in the Houston area has been super congested while recovering from Hurricane Ike. This morning alone it took me 2 hours to drive to work in what is usually a 30 minute drive. On the way…

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  • Daphne's First Annual Photo Session

    Daphne- One Year Old, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. This little girl should be used to a camera lens pointed at her. The black tubes have been staring at her and stealing her images ever since the nurses cleaned her up and dried her off.

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  • Nikon D90 Just Enhanced Our Photo Mojo

    The courier delivered the brand new Nikon D90 last night and I cannot wait to put it through it’s paces! The 90 has been described as a D300 in the body of D40….which means wow. Amazing sensor, fast kit lens (18-100mm), GPS for geotagging (coming…

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  • Daddy/Daughter DogPile

    I love Daddy!!, originally uploaded by eagerlittlemind. Daphne was really rowdy tonight after playing soccer with me in her room tonight. After I took the ball from her she decided to pounce on me to get it back. The resulting skirmish was more brutal than…

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  • Hurricane Ike Destroys Chase Tower

      The afternoon after Ike tore through Galveston and Houston, I went downtown to photograph the devastation I had heard about on the radio (no electricity for us). While there, I decided to shoot/stream live video just like the rest of the national media there.…

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  • Take A Hike, Ike

    We have an unwelcome guest this weekend who just so happens to be in the area. Photos & videos available as much as possible. Also if possible, you can catch my updates on Twitter Crap.

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  • Photo Mojo Relaunch

    After months of work and even a hiatus during our move to Texas, Photo Mojo is now the front end to the photography business and will serve as the interface between clients and readers alike. The photoblog that was original to this web address has…

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  • Grandpa Syndrome

    Details magazine has an article in the October 2008 issue that asks if you are older than you should be. Wonderwife says I have symptoms. Geoffrey Brow, an attorney for Dell Computers in Austin, Texas, doesn’t get out much anymore. The last concert he attended…

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  • Tumbltape Rocks My Socks

    Ever since Muxtape decided to suspend music streaming service because the RIAA was threatening legal action, various attempts to replicate the popular services have exploded. One such service, Tumbltape, has a unique twist in that it pulls music hosted on the very popular lifestreaming blog…

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