Windows Live Folders Preview

Microsoft has provided me an opportunity to test another web application for them. So far I have been chosen to beta test all of their live products to date and have offered numerous feedback. Keep in mind, I am not an Microsoft fan boy. I think their MSN/Live branding needs some serious attention and their services leave much to be desired. One exception, Windows Live Writer (helps in writing this blog post).

Folders has provided only a sparse 500MB as compared to say’s 1GB for free. So why all the fuss about Folders (Live Drive)? Heck, I am still waiting for the fabled GDrive from Google. Maybe during Folder’s public release they will up the storage and give us a minimum of 1GB.

Attached below are screenshots of my folders experience


Kick the ball around while you wait for your files to upload


storage meter on the upper right, photo files on lower left


File options once selected


You can upload docs, photos, videos and audio. Heck, Folders even has a player built in!


The other drawback I have besides storage space would be the lack of drag & drop features to your folders. If you want to move them to another folder, you have to delete and re-upload to that specific folder.

In conclusion, Folders is a nice tool to have for those without big demands on space. Very fast, fluid & functional with the typical user-friendly interface.

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