How To Survive A Road Trip

Timely tips for your Labor day travels!For the driver:

During the duration of the trip, the driver is the supreme commander. Since the passengers are trusting the driver with their very lives, all of his music and air conditioning requests must be honored. Would you want your driver to be uncomfortable when he is driving a machine that ways 1 ton and is travelling up to 75 (legal) miles per hour? I thought not. If the king abuses his/her power, the passengers can mutiny. If the driver ends his shift early, you must assist.


If you were fortunate enough to get shotgun, your victory is not all it seems to be. You must have a map, a good sense of direction, several CDs at hand and access to food and drinks. Napping is allowed here but you need to know when to sleep and when to keep your driver from sleeping. The shotgunner also acts as the diplomat between the driver and the passengers.


Sit down, shut up, hang on.

Bathroom Rules

There are some drivers that want to “make good time” and there are those who like to see the countryside at a slower pace. All those sodas, Red Bulls, and water add up. What goes down well, um, must come out. Try timing pit stops with gas fill-ups. Chew gum instead of drinking. If you can’t wait, there are plenty of Red Bull cans to fill.


Don’t be a roadtrip buzzkill, it is the quickest way to become roadkill!

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