Free The Hops

Free The HopsAlabama is one of only four states in the country that limits alcohol by volume (ABV) for beer to only 6%, and the only state that limits beer containers to a size of no more than 1 pint (16 American ounces).

As statewide Prohibition came to end in Alabama, the only politically viable avenue open to those who wanted the sale of alcohol to once again be legal in the state was to place heavy restrictions on that sale. What, when, where, and how alcohol could be sold were all strictly controlled by the legislation which legalized alcohol sales in Alabama�four years after National Prohibition was repealed.

Many states placed similar restrictions on alcohol immediately after Prohibition was repealed. Yet while the rest of the country has progressed beyond the attitude of Prohibition, Alabama retains artificial and antiquated limits on the sale of beer. This limits consumer choice; stifles the state’s beer, retail and restaurant businesses; and limits state tax revenue as thousands of Alabamians purchase their specialty beer in neighboring states.

Let’s join the rest of the country and Free The Hops.

If you enjoy a good beer like I do and have experienced a little of what the world has to offer, then I would seriously consider joining the fray.

On the first day of the 2007 session, one bill was introduced in the House (HB195, sponsored by Rep. Jackson) and one was introduced in the Senate (SB128, sponsored by Sens. Griffith, Little, Byrne, French, Bedford, and Singleton).  Yes, there are five co-sponsors in the Senate.  Both bills were immediately assigned to the Tourism committees of their respective houses, as expected.  Just like last year, the bills seek to raise the ABV limit on beer to 14.9%.

There will be a public hearing for our House bill on Wednesday, March 21st, at 1:30pm.  This is conducted by the House Tourism Committee, and should conclude with the passing of the bill out of committee, where it will then be put on the calendar for a 2nd reading.  This the necessary path for the bill to travel before it can be passed and sent to the Senate.

I’m also happy to announce that on the same day as the public hearing for our House bill, Free The Hops will be hosting a reception for the entire legislature.  We’re going to be serving up world class beers they’ve never seen before.  The intent is to familiarize them with the quality of the beer we are trying to legalize.  It is important that they realize how radically different gourmet beers are from typical light lagers.  This reception is the perfect opportunity for us to do that.

Magic City Beer 

Friends, now would be a good time to send your Senator and Representative an email and/or make a phone call.  Your emails and calls should essentially do the following: 1) let them know the bill numbers and sponsors (so they can approach the sponsors of the bills if they have questions), 2) outline the basic intent of the bills (raise the ABV limit on beer to 14.9%), 3) tell them why they should vote yes for the bills (our basic argument can be found at and 4) encourage them to attend the reception hosted by Free The Hops on the evening of March 21st

– courtesy of Alabamaians For Specialty Beer


Flickr set of some of my sampled bootleg beers banned here in Alabama



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