IPSA April Event- Adobe Creative Suite 3

ipsa A new era in creative expression is about to unfold, freeing us to color outside the lines, to think in multiple dimensions, to engage audiences like never before. Please join us at this special meeting that will include the first opportunity in the area to see how Adobe Creative Suite 3, being officially announced on March 27th, will change the lives of professional web designers and developers everywhere.

During this two-hour session, Greg Rewis, Sr. Worldwide Web Tools Evangelist from Adobe, will bring us all up to speed on the latest features of the new products and what these features mean in real-world web workflows.

Following Greg’s presentation, CSS-expert and Standardista Stephanie Sullivan, will get us all psyched about designing for standards with CSS using Dreamweaver.

And, in case all of this is not enough to you excited, we’ll also be giving away a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 to be shipped to the lucky winner upon its release!


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