IPSA March Meeting Announced


The Power of Flex in Rich Internet Applications

Harris Reynolds
Friday, March 9, 2007, 11:30am – 1pm
St. Vincent’s Bruno Conference Center
Free to attend
RSVP now

The Web is no longer a simple system used for exchanging hypertext-based documents. Today the Web is a plaform for delivering sophisticated applications as well as rich media including video and instant messaging. While building rich web-based applications with traditional HTML/Javascript is possible, there are many challenges to using this toolset; however, with the relatively recent release of Flex by Adobe Systems, it is now easier than ever to build both beautiful and robust web-applications that take full advantage of rich media as well as the ability to push data to clients for real-time updates. Using Adobe Flex also obviates many of the cross-browser compatability issues faced by many developers by providing a uniform interface to application layout etc. This presentation will discuss the benefits of building software using this paradigm and demostrate some examples of its use.

Harris Reynolds is a software architect with The Midnight Coders (TMC) and specializes in client/server integration between Flex-clients and server-based applications. At TMC he’s been responsible for delivering both the initial .Net version of WebORB as well as the port to Ruby on Rails. WebORB is a presentation server that simplifies the development of Rich Internet Applications by providing infrastructure software to integrate Flex clients with custom server applications.

Lunch will be provided by Jason’s Deli for an additional cost. You may order a lunch from Jason’s Deli for $10 or bring your own. You may also pre-purchase a parking token for $2 with your lunch. If you do not want luch, you may also pre-purchase just a parking token for only $2.50. Reserve your spot now!


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