NFL to Church: No Super Bowl For You!

bowl_xli.jpg  The National Football League has determined that a church that was planning on showing the big game on Sunday is violating copyright laws. The issues are, one, no NFL games can be displayed on screens larger than 55″. The church was planning on dislaying the game to the congregation on a blank wall with a film projector.

“We want to be supportive of our local team,” Newland said. “For us to have all our congregation huddled around a TV that is big enough only for 10 or 12 people to watch just makes little sense.”


NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league’s long-standing policy is to ban “mass out-of-home viewing” of the Super Bowl. An exception is made for sports bars and other businesses that show televised sports as a part of their everyday operations.


“We have contracts with our (TV) networks to provide free over-the-air television for people at home,” Aiello said. “The network economics are based on television ratings and at-home viewing. Out-of-home viewing is not measured by Nielsen.”

In summary, football on huge screens at alcohol-serving sports bars is a good thing. Football viewed in a church, is bad. Follow the money trail, folks.

Oh, and my pick for the champions? Who cares. With each passing year I get dispassionate about the NFL in favor of real competition, like college football, rugby and soccer. I don’t even have to watch the Bowl for the hilarious commercials..they will be online for free. Take THAT, NFL.

source  CNN SI.

Super Bowl logo used without permission and with glee.


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