MTV "Gets” Vlogs

I freely admit I was an 80’s child and absolutley loved watching MTV when it first became available in my area. Back then, cable television was just breaking out and a luxury. Are you one of the people that remembers when MTV just played music videos? *raises hand*

I can tell you when I first saw it, but not when I stopped. Probably sometime after Beavis/Butthead left the air. So imagine my surprise when I heard that MTV has just released online video blogs.

I don’t think it is because I am 34 and “uncool” anymore, but I don’t see the appeal of watching a girl explain a dance routine or a lametard begging for friends on his MTV Myspace account.

MTV used to be the source for music, culture and videos, how are they just now getting vlogs (and sucking at it, too)?

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