The Best of 2006- Podcasts

conestogalogo.jpgThe Roadhouse Blues– “the finest blues you never heard” and also one of the very first podcasts I ever subscribed too. I got in at episode 33 and now it is up to 97. Way to go!

tct-009-main.jpg Tiki Bar– What won’t Dr. Tiki, Johnny Johnny and the sexy Lala do for drinks? Good fun.

diggnation.jpg Diggnation– 2 guys drink beer and discuss what is hot in the tech world from

daily_nut_l2.jpg Daily Nut– From the G4 channel comes the best of the web.

podcast1_100border.jpg Ricky Gervais Show– All the way from the UK is the star of BBC’s The Office

bigduckie.gif The Show with zeFrank– the show began with the march 17, 2006 episode and will end one year later

National Geographic Video Shorts– self explanatory, really.

** Crash and Burn**

rocketboom_logo2.jpgRocketboom was a web favorite until the perky host Amanda Congdon left. The fools should have bent over backwards but instead replaced her. This rocket crashed.

So there you have it. These are just a few out of the 50 I try to consume when commuting or working out. Which ones do you watch/listen to?

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