Economic Crisis

The American people are suffering not from a crisis in the financial markets, but from a crisis of confidence in our congressional leaders. Yes, both parties are responsible to serve us in the best possible way, but the Democrats are the people to blame. Why? Money-grabbing. Lining their own pockets. They have used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as their own personal piggy bank for years. If the system crashes, blame President Bush and the Republicans! Brilliant! Except no one believes it.

10-1-2008 8-21-14 AM

What makes lawmakers think they are smarter than the people actually working in the financial sector? They produce nothing but reap the benefits anyway. What advice have they sought? What do the constituents whom they are supposed to serve have to say about this? Who is listening? Who cares?

It is time to act like squirrels by saving and storing what you need because your wants just flew south for the winter. Avoid credit lending if at all possible and stick to a cash system with more savings.

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photo credit to Matthew Cavanaugh / EPA

4 responses

  1. I'm not so sure that passing the bill is a good thing. I don't know enough about the problem to make an educated guess but I also think that the financial experts are just as clueless and are guessing.

  2. I'm not so sure that passing the bill is a good thing. I don't know enough about the problem to make an educated guess but I also think that the financial experts are just as clueless and are guessing.

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