I Suck

Been way to busy adjusting to life in the big city, job expectations and Houston traffic commutes. Blogging schedule to resume promptly.

2 responses

  1. I’m just pissed that we let you walk as a free agent. We knew your time was coming, and we could have traded you for a Houston blogger… but nope. There you go, and we’re left calling up some schmoe from Single-A to replace you.He shoots pictures with an oatmeal can. Which would be cool, but he forgets to remove the oatmeal.

  2. I’m just pissed that we let you walk as a free agent. We knew your time was coming, and we could have traded you for a Houston blogger… but nope. There you go, and we’re left calling up some schmoe from Single-A to replace you.

    He shoots pictures with an oatmeal can. Which would be cool, but he forgets to remove the oatmeal.

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