
The weekend after we found out we are moving to Houston found us sorting our basement & garage into nice neat sections. This is our 4th move in twelve years and it never ceases to amaze me how much stuff we bring onto ourselves. This time around we’re blessed with baby stuff. Her stuff may very well take up half of the moving van itself.

It was surprising how easy it has been in deciding which of my possessions lived, died or find new homes elsewhere. We’re hosting a moving sale on Friday/Saturday and placing items for sale on Craigslist. There can’t be too much worse than having a sale where people pick over your stuff, ignore the sticker price and offer half of the already deeply discounted price.

Okay…back to work.

2 responses

  1. Was trying to DM you on Twitter, but it's not going through. You wouldn't happen to have a king-size bed frame for sale, would you?

  2. Was trying to DM you on Twitter, but it's not going through. You wouldn't happen to have a king-size bed frame for sale, would you?

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