Completely Mental


Work today was very stressful in that I was learning new concepts and ways of thinking for problem solutions and needs analysis. It kicked my butt. Not only that, it kicked 9 other members of my team as well. It really made me feel inadequate for the job and I don’t like that feeling. Friday should be more of the same and does not bode well.

So why am I up and blogging at midnight? My new laptop arrived and I have to install programs and settings of course!

Like I said, I am completely mental.


No, this isn’t my cat or new computer. Both were found on the interwebs last night thanks to my exhaustion, I didn’t want to take a photo.

6 responses

  1. ah ha…that’s why I didn’t hear from you yesterday…don’t you hate experiencing those kind of days? Especially the “feeling inadequate” ones. Unfortunately, they exist. Sorry to hear it is kicking you and your team’s butt. TGIF…and then, its SATURDAY! Hang in there, son. Bet that getting the new laptop is a good distraction and brighter moment of your week, you still haven’t sent me the link of exactly what you ordered, please do so when you get a break in activities. Where did that cat in the picture come from…did Allie get a new brother or sister?

  2. ah ha…that’s why I didn’t hear from you yesterday…don’t you hate experiencing those kind of days? Especially the “feeling inadequate” ones. Unfortunately, they exist. Sorry to hear it is kicking you and your team’s butt. TGIF…and then, its SATURDAY! Hang in there, son. Bet that getting the new laptop is a good distraction and brighter moment of your week, you still haven’t sent me the link of exactly what you ordered, please do so when you get a break in activities. Where did that cat in the picture come from…did Allie get a new brother or sister?

  3. I always love new computer day. Totally better than Christmas because you just about never get what you want.

    If that is a new Dell laptop be sure to either uninstall the Dell media software or get the patch because it is a killer memory hog and has a known memory leak. I have that model (or one very similar) and that software slowly eats all available memory the longer you use it. Just FYI.

  4. I always love new computer day. Totally better than Christmas because you just about never get what you want.

    If that is a new Dell laptop be sure to either uninstall the Dell media software or get the patch because it is a killer memory hog and has a known memory leak. I have that model (or one very similar) and that software slowly eats all available memory the longer you use it. Just FYI.

  5. @shadowhelm Great idea about the Dell DE-crapifier. I forgot about it. (Yes, I got a Dell, no that isn’t mine in the photo)


  6. @shadowhelm Great idea about the Dell DE-crapifier. I forgot about it. (Yes, I got a Dell, no that isn’t mine in the photo)


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