Why 2008 Is Great

The start of 2007 sucked. Big time. I just got back to work to start the new year only to be told I was being let go. Shortly after that, Wonderwife discovers she is pregnant. I didn’t start my new job until March 5th which was a long time when you are in between jobs and a baby on the way!

However, God has provided a better job that I just recently got a promotion and a raise within a few months. Daphne arrived in August and has blessed our lives to contentment. Again, God is good.

I guess it is time to make some resolutions/goals/commitments/changes


Find a church home, read the Bible & pray daily


This is easier said than done: eat better, exercise more


I need a better understanding of my benefits & making my money earn more money


photography, hiking, blogging, geocaching, disc golf, and more


As much as my network has expanded last year, I need to get out more with you


I need to work on my Digital Asset Management (DAM) & Paper Asset Management (PAM)


Before all of this, my girls come first.

This is an overly simplified list, of course, but it helps me keep it all in focus. This is the easy part but if it is implemented successfully, than 2008 will be one of the best years ever.

I hope you will challenge yourself to do something extraordinary this year.

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