Old School

I never really went past the Atari 2600 video game console, in fact, I have one hooked up in my basement right now. So I am not what you would call a "gamer". Recently I have seen some VERY cool things from video game makers that is making me change my mind such as the sports and action games. I’ll plop down some money eventually for an X-Box 360 or a Wii. Amazing graphics, story lines, interaction from players across the globe and media extensions are making it very difficult to say no to. Of course, now that I have a baby, the choice is simply "diapers or games"?

What I am used to:

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Atari Combat circa 1982(?)

What is available now:

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Microsoft’s Halo 3 circa 2007

4 responses

  1. Pretty sure, Brandon. The screenshot was from a demo video provided by the Microsoft Halo site. That is the only way I would know the difference!

  2. Pretty sure, Brandon. The screenshot was from a demo video provided by the Microsoft Halo site. That is the only way I would know the difference!

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