So Soon?

birthday-cake.gif December 7, 1972 is known as “the second day of infamy” because I was born on Pearl Harbor day. Yay me. The past few birthdays away from extended family members has been labeled as “just another day” for me. Wonderwife goes all out, make no mistake, but it would be nice to celebrate with other folks, too.

Thursday night will find me grilling filet mignon and eating way too much home made birthday spice cake with cream cheese topping, having a nice relaxing evening with Wonderwife opening her gifts and gifts being shipped from Oklahoma.

We’re also thinking about celebrating this weekend at the Bottletree but not on Thursday because of the entertainement line-up (MEDIOCRE LOCAL COMEDY NIGHT WITH MIKE McCALL AND HIS SUPREME WHITE SUPREMACISTS FEATURING LEFTY THE WELL-HUNG LESBIAN)

So what do you think of the Bottletree? Any other birthday bash suggestions? Oh, and don’t forget about my wish list. 🙂

Enjoy your day too!

PS: My cell mate behind me, Traci is celebrating her birthday today (6) Happy birthday!


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