signing Off

Can I tell you how glad I am that the Battlestar Galactica series has reached it’s conclusion? Now if only ABC’s Lost would hurry up and have a point to the whole story I can write that off as well. As an adult I really never watched television until these two episodes came on and friends suggested it. I had missed their first seasons and played catch-up thanks to Netflix’s DVD subscription.

Growing up I was a big reader. My imagination combined with the author’s story are much more powerful and rewarding than television. I’ll confess my book and other print reading has suffered thanks to the internet. Blogs and news sites have filled that time instead. Like a book, the Web has no boundaries and I consume it. The difference with the internet is that I am a contributor.

I have just cancelled my subscription to Direct TV and to Netflix without remorse. With network television providing full content in HD online, what is the point? With the technology we have in outlets such as Hulu, Boxee, Apple TV, Windows Media Center, why bother? I need to mention the legion of podcasts out there as well. Speaking of Hulu, here is a clip of their ad wherein Alec Baldwin sarcastically asks: “what are you going to do, turn off your TV AND your computer?”

Yes, I will not let my brains turn into mush.

Don’t get me wrong, television has been a powerful and informative tool since it’s inception and I am not trying to be negative. Just simply saying I am over it. This is the Mojo and I am signing off.




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