• The Experience

    When I first started practicing meditation recently, I thought it was to make me more calm. Then it was to make me less reactive. Then to make me less attached to things. These things can happen if I do this regularly. But I also want…

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  • Enjoying The Process

    Long before my beautiful daughter was born I was heavily interested in photography. I used a compact point and shoot Fuji to bring in the new millennium. Then upgraded to a more robust featured Olympus with optical zoom. All of this was used as a…

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  • Keep Calm And Carry On

    With all the distractions going on during these current events (Wuhan virus) it can be difficult to focus on anything else. However, I believe doing what we do best can be very beneficial. By creating and doing the things we enjoy, it will help us…

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  • Enjoying The Process

    Long before my beautiful daughter was born I was heavily interested in photography. I used a compact point and shoot Fuji to bring in the new millennium. Then upgraded to a more robust featured Olympus with optical zoom. All of this was used as a…

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  • Complicated < Simple

    When life gets complicated take a walk and make some simple choices

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  • What If?

    How would you know if your beliefs are wrong?

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  • Reboot

    Just about everything will work properly if you unplug it for a few minutes. Even you.

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  • Do What You Love, Not What You Are Told

    I think this quote sums me up quite nicely.

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  • A Few Suggestions

    I’ve been thinking and rethinking a few of my behaviors and attitudes. What makes me a good person and what can make me a better person? Every now and then I find I could use help in areas I thought were fine but were revealed…

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  • Self Improvement

    “The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.” – Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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  • How To Be More Mindful

    This is not a know-it-all post. I’m learning as I go but I do want to share with what is working for me so far. I won’t go into the why. Everyone has their own reasons why and I’ve shared mine. This website/journal is a…

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  • 3/3 Check In

    Last month on 2/2 I began my year long journey to create life long habits for myself and throw in some fun intentions as well. The plan is to check in every month to monitor my progress. Nutrition & Training Still no concentrated effort to…

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