• 2024 Reading Goals

    Every year I set goals on how many books I want to read in a year and end up exceeding them. In the upcoming 2024 new year, I am going to slow the pace down to savor and appreciate what I am reading. The titles…

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  • Hipstamatic Model 10

    One of the very first apps I installed as a new iPhone user back in 2014 was the Hipstamatic camera touting that “digital has never looked so analog” and I have been a fan ever since. Recently Hipstamatic has updated their camera to include several…

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  • Hipstamatic Model 10

    One of the very first apps I installed as a new iPhone user back in 2014 was the Hipstamatic camera touting that “digital has never looked so analog” and I have been a fan ever since. Recently Hipstamatic has updated their camera to include several…

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  • Flickr Or Extinguish?

    I am on the fence about renewing the Flickr backup and photo community. I could go monthly at a higher rate or take advantage of their two year plan for a cheaper monthly option. Am I using it effectively? Not for the past 6 months…

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  • Play With The Toys You Have

    Thankfully, after years of curating the perfect device and software setup I am content. I do not need the latest and greatest. With all of the “Pro” computing tools I have acquired, I can rely on years of use and design aesthetics to satisfy. Gratefully…

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  • Apple Journal

    It’s finally here and the hype does not live up to the anticipation. It is basic and definitely not a Day One journal killer yet but it is close. Will it take me away from journaling in my FoxOS database or field notes using pen…

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  • Routine

    I’m looking forward to getting back into daily habits such as:

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  • Believe In Doubt

    “Life is complicated. It’s filled with nuance. It’s unsatisfying… If I believe in anything, it is doubt. The root cause of all life’s problems is looking for a simple f**king answer.” Anthony Bourdain No simple answers- just finding, discovering, wandering. Lost and stupid sounds great…

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  • Tesla

    My first exposure to Tesla was a shop in the Galleria Mall featuring shiny new cars. At the time I thought this will never work because they can’t afford to have their own dealership lots and whatever orders they sold, the buyers would have to…

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  • Tesla

    My first exposure to Tesla was a shop in the Galleria Mall featuring shiny new cars. At the time I thought this will never work because they can’t afford to have their own dealership lots and whatever orders they sold, the buyers would have to…

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  • Focused Writing

    I’m continually looking for methods to utilize my devices and software to maximize productivity and today I am focused on utilizing the M1 iPad Pro. Combined with the Magic Keyboard I’ve transformed this into a dedicated writing device, much like a typewriter. I’ve established the…

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  • Focused Writing

    I’m continually looking for methods to utilize my devices and software to maximize productivity and today I am focused on utilizing the M1 iPad Pro. Combined with the Magic Keyboard I’ve transformed this into a dedicated writing device, much like a typewriter. I’ve established the…

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