• New Media As Your Business Card

    What tools of social media or Web 3.0 are you using to promote yourself? This is a blog post from Mojo Denbow For more content like this, subscribe to the RSS feed, Twitter & Disqus.

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  • Radio Killed The Radio Star

    I am so disappointed with radio stations that are syndicated and duplicated. Most have the same format and website content but change the sponsors for a more local feel. Where are the disc jockies? I’m old enough to remember when DJ’s would announce a song…

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  • How To Win clients & Influence People

    These may be very basic suggestions for experienced entrepreneurs but I have listed them here for the rest of us. Because we could all use more clients and increase our reach, right? Build Your Brand No, I am not suggesting just a pretty logo. Your…

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  • Cupid’s Special!

    Photo Mojo is running a special on couple’s portraits starting now through February 28th. Your significant other will appreciate this and add to your memories together. Reserve your session time at Photo Mojo but please hurry because February is a shorter month!

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  • The Dominican Republic In Photographs

    Last week I had the opportunity to document the people of the Dominican Republic. I spent a lot of time in Santiago and Sosua. A full write up is forthcoming of everything I saw and did while visiting.

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  • My Tweeps

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  • Go Mojo

    I’m flying off to the Dominican Republic today and won’t be back until Friday night. Look for heaps of images from all over the island. I want to get a lot of portraits, landscapes and macros of bugs flying into my rum punch. I’ll be…

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  • PhotoCamp Houston!

    Saturday was Houston’s inaugural unconference regarding photography and i think it was very well received. Without looking at our final numbers, I would suggest there were 150 people present that were passionate about their craft. The fact we could listen and share ideas in a…

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  • Mojo's Info From The Internets

    offering more content for you Did Abraham Lincoln Invent the Emoticon (Smiley) ? While most people believe that Scott Fahlman was the first person to suggest the use of 🙂 symbol for representing a smiley face, Times has stumbled upon an old speech of Abraham…

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  • The Joy Of Sax

    Good Sax, originally uploaded by Photo Mojo. Never caught his name, which is too bad because he was one of the best I have ever heard on stage. Inaugural Ball at the House of Blues.

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  • A New Hope

    Today, we inaugurate a new leader of the United States. My hope is that President Obama will not disappoint those people who are so passionate for him to deliver on promises of change. It may be change, but is it change for the better? Related…

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  • Mojo Denbow's Info

    As Seen On The Internet Top 101 Freeware Apps | TechVivo I really think it is amazing that people actually buy software. Tags: freeware, software Top 10 Things You Forgot Gmail Can Do Tags: gmail, tips, guide, tools, email Strobist: How To: DIY $10 Macro…

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