• Explore More

    At Oxley Nature center 36.224700,-95.903046

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  • v.45

    It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade. 175 That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and…

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  • v. 45

    It’s my 45th birthday. Version 44 was a shitty iteration and 2017 was a shitty year. Time to upgrade. 175 That is my target weight goal. Eat lean and train mean. I don’t simply want to eat right and lose weight. I want nutrition and…

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  • ANUSTART Here’s my brand new website for a brand new life. I am re-thinking everything and doing it for me this time. You’re welcome to join me on this misadventure. Warning: website will include vague references, fuckery, drunk realizations, epic statements, sober realizations, shenanigans and…

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  • Anustart

    Here’s my brand new website for a brand new life. I am re-thinking everything and doing it for me this time. You’re welcome to join me on this misadventure. Warning: website will include vague references, fuckery, drunk realizations, epic statements, sober realizations, shenanigans and maybe…

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  • Now Developing… I’ve redesigned and have a renewed focus.

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  • Out Of Control

    Need to work out how to regain control here because everything is spiraling

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  • Micro Adventure

    I just rang in the longest day of the year by hiking up and camping on a mountain west of and overlooking the city. No tent, no fire, just me, the sleeping bag and a few essentials under a pine tree. Bonus: it was international…

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  • Why Though?

    Why do I post consistently on someone else’s platform and not my own? Yes, it is more social compared to the silence of my own thoughts. Same goes for Instagram. I have my own photo website, why IG? That’s it. I just answered my own…

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  • Tulsa Time

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  • 3:34am

    I close my eyes, but I can’t fall asleep, my body dying for rest while my mind’s wide awake

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  • What Did The Fox Say?

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