• Site Health

    I spent some time cleaning up this website with the backend protocols, database and overall performances. It is streamlined and ready for the new year which is great because I plan on tweaking some more coding and giving it a fresh coat of paint soon.

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  • Archives

    Well shit. I have imported most of the old blog posts onto this database but there seems to be a gap from February 2022 to October 2023. Over a year’s worth of notes. Thankfully I have them backed up but do I want to cut/paste…

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  • Success

    The clean slate protocol I initiated a few days ago is a success. After creating a new domain name and building a new website, with a new e-mail account and a new Apple ID, I am slowly migrating some of my crucial data from backups.…

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  • Reboot Redesign ReDo

    After recent price increases, subscription fatigue, privacy concerns and probably long overdue contentment, it’s time for a change. I’ll be withdrawing more from technology, technology blogs and restructuring everything to maximize privacy, reduce monthly subscription spending and pursuing avenues of personal interest. I am heavily…

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  • Things Can Only Get Better?

    Websites and social media platforms are getting aggressive in the monetizing of their services because- who knew that providing a platform for free is not sustainable? No one wants online advertising either and we all live with it because these web developers have to have…

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  • Until Next Time…

    After twenty-two years of owning and maintaining a website presence it is time to hang it up for now. There are a multitude of reasons behind this decision but I’ll keep most of them to myself. And yet after all this time it feels like…

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  • Synthography

    The new all-in-one website/mood board I built dedicated to my generative AI art creation and curation.

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  • Goodbye Adobe

    After decades of relying on Adobe photography software to host, edit and organize my archive, it is time to say goodbye. Photoshop and Lightroom are second to none with one exception- a subscription. With all the competition out there in this space, I can no…

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  • Ghosted

    I have had a need to simplify my websites and the expenses that come with them. That changed today. A year ago I transferred this website to a self-hosted instance instead, for simplicity and ease of use but I gave up too much control. Today,…

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  • Publishing On The Go

    My website has being going for over twenty years. In that time, technology has transformed my life and the way I write has gone through some pretty major shifts. What was first typed into a frustratingly slow WordPress installation can now be published from a…

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  • Support

    In the entire twenty years of this website’s existence, I have never monetized it. No ads, no gimmicks, nada. It has been self-sufficient this whole time. But, all of a sudden I find myself in a situation where rising costs of server hosts and email…

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  • Geo Location

    I’ve enjoyed using the DayOne journal app on my Apple devices since 2016 because it includes the current date/time, weather and location of the post in every entry. But I am not a fan of paying for an annual subscription so I am looking at…

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