• Jump

    As soon as I am able to jump from my Samsung S6 this summer, I will probably go back to an iPhone. Why? The tech specs for Android phones are superior for sure but if I’m honest, I’m switching for the apps. Google Play apps…

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  • My iOS App List

    This time last year I was still a die-hard Android fandroid and submitted my favorite and most-used apps for my devices. Now that I have converted to Apple devices it is time to update this list. No, I won’t state which operating system I prefer at this…

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  • Back! Yes, I Was Gone

    Due to a denial of service (DoS) attack and suspected breach of my personal website security, I was contemplating just wiping the slate clean and start fresh with my entire web presence.  No more chrisdenbow.com, new social media accounts, new accounts on the iTunes and Google…

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  • Android To Apple

    I’ve decided to go all in on Apple mobile products. I purchased a mini iPad back in May for my daughter and ended up keeping it when it was discovered she already had one purchased for her. Then, I pulled the trigger and got the…

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  • This Just Happened

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  • Apple > Android

    So I went ahead and downgraded to the iPhone. I don’t know who I am anymore.

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  • Bad Apple

    So the great iPhone experiment failed. Two days later I upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S5. I tried, I really did. I wasted money on apps to help with the experience.  Overall, the lack of customization and tweaking did it for me. It is such a closed…

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  • iCan’t Believe This

    Memorial Day weekend. I have decided to go all in to the Apple ecosystem. This is a departure from six years of Android. I have acquired the iPad mini with retina display. As soon as I am eligible, in July, I will convert to the…

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  • Google Camera App

    Google updated their stock camera app. Basically they took the best parts of my Nexus 5 camera app and enhanced it.  Added a smart blur for greater depth of field, horizontal panoramas, 50MB photospheres, manual adjustments (like a DSLR) and more. Neat!

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  • Shit.

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  • Reboot

    The term “reboot” means to discard much or even all previous continuity and start over with fresh ideas. It could also imply that I just wanted to scratch the whole thing and start over again. Previous posts (2005-2011) have been backed-up and shelved until I…

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  • Retweet

    So I may have been wrong when I left Twitter recently and I’ll tell you why. The community is a fantastic resource of information and updates. At some point I will rethink its value and decide what to do but for now I am a Twit again.

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