• Microblogging

    Microblogging is a combination of blogging and instant messaging that allows users to create short messages to be posted and shared with an audience online. Social platforms like X (formerly Twitter) have become extremely popular forms of this type of blogging. These short messages can come in…

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  • Apple ID

    I am about to merge, consolidate and liquidate older IDs in favor of a new, more permanent Apple ID. I’ve made a mess of things these past few months. I hope for minimal damage and quick recovery process if it does happen.

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  • Giving Up

    “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” – Mark Twain

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  • Night + Day

    I geeked out just now watching my website switch from night mode to day mode automatically according to when the sun is scheduled to rise. Thanks to my Open Weather api script. 6:47am 6:48am

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  • Well, That’s Sorted

    While going through all of my files, I discovered they were all scattered across multiple hard drives, backed up multiple times. A mess. I decided to make a master file and import all data into it. Then I started to weed out all the quadruplicates.…

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  • Yeesh.

    Just going through a few back up hard drives and re-discovering some past writings. I need to sort and get them all into one place instead of scattered. Yeesh, what a nightmare I’ve created.

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  •  Issues

    Having multiple  accounts should be nice and simple but leave it to me to complicate matters. Despite documenting all credentials and passwords, toggling back and forth has been frustrating. Yes, I blame myself, not .

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  • Experiment

    I want to do an experiment soon to see if I can go without my iPhone for one day. I think we are too dependent on this damned thing. I’ll set up some alternatives that I use daily and then monitor the data with Apple…

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  • What Have I Done? (2)

    With Apple support, I have gained partial access to some devices except my MacBook and AirPods. Apparently they are signed in on another, older Apple ID. I have been attempting to add/drop devices onto old ID and try again on new ID but now the…

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  • What Have I Done?

    I have made a mess of things while trying to simplify. I let a domain name expire that also had a custom email address attached to it and according to my domain registrar, lost both to a third party who scooped up that domain name…

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  • The Anti-soda Water Club

    Sign me up for a variety of reasons such as health and unjustified cost increase. Back to sparkling water and teas for me please. 🥤🖕🏻

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  • F1 2024

    Subscription renewed and I am ready for a new season with 24 races around the world. Up first, Bahrain. Mercedes + McLaren

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