Server Issues

After an hour and a half with my server host, the connection issue was unresolved. I am trying to secure the web certificate so it reads as:

The “S” in the domain name denotes a secure website. But the server hosts were useless and it took the site down completely. I finally restored it myself in the cPanel but not without frustration. Now I’ll just leave it alone.


I just returned three e-books back to the library because they didn’t live up to the hype.

”The Plot”, whereas a creative writing professor steals a student’s submitted novel and takes the best-selling credit.

“Less” Won the Pulitzer Prize but was told by a narrator: ”Imagine if you will, dear reader…” No thanks.

”Ghost Fleet” A novel about the next world war, I didn’t make it past the lead up to the upcoming war.

A reminder that just because you start a book, you don’t have to finish it if there is no perceived value to you.

Amateur Pleasure

“What is more pure than an amateur love? What is better than listening to a friend with a newly found hobby? It is not about buying and selling. It is not about prestige, or mastery, or status. Being an amateur is about pleasure.”

– Someone

Yeah, that title is misleading from the quote, but maybe this post will get more hits from someone’s misguided search engine query lol

Health App

For some reason this morning I wondered if Apple Health app could track weight as opposed to me using the invasive MyFitnessPal app and eureka! It felt great to not only add my new weight, (down from previous) but to also delete the MFPal app from my device forever. Why didn’t I think of this sooner?


I’ve embraced the idea… that a short update or single photo post counts. In the past I would send a tweet or an image to somewhere else on someone else’s social site. No more. Not when a quick post here will suffice. Because these tweets and images are equal to a blog post here. Everything I post to my personal websites have the same weight.

Connectile Dysfunction

I’ve made posting to this site as easy as I’m capable of but still restricted due to no SSL certificate assigned to this micro site sub domain. This blocks my writing software from posting automagically to this site. So manual it is. Too much friction.