• Server Issues

    After an hour and a half with my server host, the connection issue was unresolved. I am trying to secure the web certificate so it reads as: https://www.micro.chrisdenbow.com The “S” in the domain name denotes a secure website. But the server hosts were useless and…

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  • Returned

    I just returned three e-books back to the library because they didn’t live up to the hype. ”The Plot”, whereas a creative writing professor steals a student’s submitted novel and takes the best-selling credit. “Less” Won the Pulitzer Prize but was told by a narrator:…

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  • Amateur Pleasure

    “What is more pure than an amateur love? What is better than listening to a friend with a newly found hobby? It is not about buying and selling. It is not about prestige, or mastery, or status. Being an amateur is about pleasure.” – Someone…

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  • Health App

    For some reason this morning I wondered if Apple Health app could track weight as opposed to me using the invasive MyFitnessPal app and eureka! It felt great to not only add my new weight, (down from previous) but to also delete the MFPal app…

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  • Take A Walk

    Drawing is like taking a line for a walk Paul Klee

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  • Reading

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  • Small Deeds

    Great acts are made up of small deeds Lao Tzu Great Act Small Deeds

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  • Frustrated Photographer

    I’ve been out for three days and came back with three shots. Only one usable. I miss portrait photography because this sucks. This town is so un-photogenic.

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  • Digital Minimalism

    Or essentialism. After taking a look at my software, I cleaned out a few redundant applications. I also took the time to reorganize my iPhone and remove apps as well. I should keep doing this until only the essentials are there.

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  • Signal vs. Noise

    You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. James Clear, Atomic Habits

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  • Microblogging

    I’ve embraced the idea… that a short update or single photo post counts. In the past I would send a tweet or an image to somewhere else on someone else’s social site. No more. Not when a quick post here will suffice. Because these tweets…

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  • Connectile Dysfunction

    I’ve made posting to this site as easy as I’m capable of but still restricted due to no SSL certificate assigned to this micro site sub domain. This blocks my writing software from posting automagically to this site. So manual it is. Too much friction.

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