• XML-RPC Issues

    Extensible Markup Language and Remote Calls in Computer networks are a pain in the ass. This file, essentially is preventing me from using my 3rd party writing software. I know there is a work around so I will attempt to find it this weekend.

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  • Codex

    One more down. On to Relic next.

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  • Desert Zen

    I am craving a trip back to the desert and mountains, a literal change in scenery. There is something pure and zen out there. Essentials over luxury.

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  • Impressive

    Four novels read in a week in a half. Impressive, even for me.

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  • 3/3 Waypoint Check In

    This is the first check in point of the 11th month journey to create life-long habits for myself. The full write up on this is now hosted in the Archives. I’ll be taking this year-long trek up to December 12th (12/12) and will stop and…

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    Domain transfer went through and the website is secured and published. I also updated MX records to send/receive mail. Whew.

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  • 26/28

    Closed all three rings for 26 out of 28 days in February. I blame the weather. Mostly blame myself. Will do 100% in March!

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  • Retired

    Glad to be a part of my father’s retirement party. The man worked 50 years and deserves time for himself now. Makes me think of retirement planning for myself even more now.

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  • Tyrannosaur Canyon

    Just finished Tyrannosaur Canyon by Douglas Preston. Brilliant and engaging. I found a new author to with a long list of novels to follow.

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  • Aargh

    I procrastinate too much. Dark Mode should have been done by now.

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  • Dark Mode

    Home office redesign is 85% complete. Need to paint window, door & closet frames, remove blinds & hang the curtains. “Welcome to Dark Mode”

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  • Consolidation

    I am working toward keeping all of my web properties here under a single domain. New long-form posts will be here. Previous posts (2022-2002) are now in the Archive. I don’t do social media anymore but I do like to fire off some quick posts,…

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