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  • On Limited Time

    Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. – Steve Jobs

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  • 2022-11-25

    7:00amTulsa, Oklahoma, United States: ☁️ 🌡️+42°F 🌬️↓14mph I decided against using Flickr, because again, another subscription. Why bother with that when I already have Adobe Portfolio or any other photography platform like Glass, when I have my main photography website? So, I just created a…

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  • Proof Of Life

    Your birth certificate proved that you were born. Your death certificate proved that you died. Your photographs proved that you lived. G. Stanley

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  • Feel The Burn

    “Is not this a glorious time of year for your deep inward fires?” Henry David Thoreau November is a great month to stoke those internal fires.

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  • Camera Minimalism

    Over the past thirty years, I still struggle in figuring out the ideal camera which will best suit my photographic needs. I want a camera to always be ready to shoot, but I can’t always bring along a DSLR or mirrorless camera because they are…

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  • WebLog

    A scary thought occurred to me during a 3AM quick stop to the bathroom and back to bed: “Do I want to maintain or keep my 22 year-old website?” I woke up a few hour later and wondered if I dreamt this, but then realized…

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  • The Majestic

    If you’ve been reading along the past few years, you know I am into wall murals in a big way. I finally had a chance to fully appreciate one of the world’s largest augmented reality (AR) murals right here in Tulsa. Scan the nearby QR…

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  • Mental Kaleidoscope

    “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.” – Mark Twain

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  • Sunday Reads

    Reading a book on a Sunday allows you to travel and escape. It will get you to think and think more and to ponder and sometimes have an epiphany. It will cause you to want to finally create that plan, write that long over-due letter…

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  • Publishing On The Go

    My website has being going for over twenty years. In that time, technology has transformed my life and the way I write has gone through some pretty major shifts. What was first typed into a frustratingly slow WordPress installation can now be published from a…

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  • On Photography

    There is no getting away from my love of photography and cameras. My favorite thing in the world is going somewhere, anywhere, and just wondering around pointing my lens at things. The simple act of doing so is like mediation to me, and nothing thing…

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